Trading binary options on Weekends – How to guide

The binary options market has become quite active and vivid in the past several years. Previously, the market was limited to business day trades only, and weekends were closed for business. But with the onrush of different binary options companies and the competition in the market, more and more options brokers leave the trading window open over the weekend. Weekends offer great potential to profit and to gain even 400% back on the options market.

The weekend trading is beneficial for several reasons. First, traders usually have not enough time to devote to their trading career over the week, so weekend trading represents a great way to compensate for all missed trades during the long work week.

Do not get me wrong here, since traders could always place weekend trades via their brokerage companies, but yet, these  trades were not executed until Wednesday or the first business day. Traders had to patiently wait for the market to open in order to see whether they have won or lost their investment. The binary options market was sleeping for a long time on the weekend, but now, options firms recognized the significance of running the market 24/7.

Why You Should Trade on Weekends

If you are an options trader, now you get the chance to use your weekend wisely and earn some money. Weekend trading can generate your profits, even more than trading during the week, since you have got more time, you can focus better, and you can use the weekend price movements to your benefit.

There are very lucrative trades on offer during weekends, and you should definitely try your luck since the market is not yet overwhelmed by the number of weekend traders given that it is a new trend still in progress, which leaves you enough room to spot the best trade offers.

Where to Trade on Weekends?

We have already mentioned that some binary options brokers let you trade on weekends with actual weekend expiry dates, i.e. expiry dates which do not wait until Wednesday to close automatically. Still, some brokers offer weekend trading, but they limit it to a handful of options. These brokers will let you trade at least High/Low options with expiry dates of 30 and 60 seconds, so  if it does not cut it for you, you might want to look up brokers who offer a greater variety. It is not uncommon that options brokers also offer touch options during the weekend with a week-long expiry date, which means that your trade would close next week, but on a weekend day.

Some of the most popular brokers offer binary options trading on weekends, so if your current broker is closed for the weekend, you might open a new account with a new broker.

Middle East Markets and Their Influence on Western Options Brokers

Weekend brokers might not be mainstream yet, but you still have an alternative to use your weekend for binary options trading. Check out the Middle East markets which have a different weekend policy. Namely, their weeks start on Wednesday and end on Wednesday, or last from Wednesday to Wednesday. This means that you have a completely new market to trade in regardless of the weekend. In the end, it is not weekend for the Middle Easterners.

Many western binary options brokers have tried to make their breakthrough in these markets as well, and their major stimulators to attract new clients were swap-free or Islamic accounts, 24/7 trading to match the working hours of the Middle East traders, and they also added a couple of local indices and stocks to their service package. This strategy and marketing plan seemed to have worked since there is rarely an options broker who does not offer a swap-free account or Arab indices.

The new work policy also benefited regular western traders who can now finally trade on weekends with local options companies. Nonetheless, it is always good to keep an eye on what is going on in other markets as well, so you should not completely abandon the Asian market.

The binary options markets shifted to a big global community, and such a  course of events has to be followed by adapting to traders’ needs, not only local but from around the world. As we can see, in the binary options market, weekend trading is one of the results of the globalization process.

The Best Weekend Options Brokers

IQoption has been the options broker number 1 for a very long time now, and there is rarely an options trader who did not hear about IQoptions. The industry forerunner is also one of the best brokers for weekend trading since it offers active trades throughout the weekend as well. IQoptions was also one of the first brokers to expand worldwide and to enter other markets as well, which means that the broker offers a variety of choice when it comes to trading assets including on weekends. Click here to read our IQOption review.

Date of latest update: 10. march, 2025

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